Are you looking to support your staff to offer inclusive education through evidence-based teaching strategies and innovative adjustments?

Share, Shape and Shine offers live PD for Early Years Centres, Primary and High Schools on the following topics:

  • Inclusive Education

  • Supporting Emotional Regulation

  • Teacher Aide Training

  • Specific Additional Needs - Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia or tailor a combination of the needs at your specific school.

    All training includes ‘need to know’ information, evidence-based practice, effective and practical adjustments, Certificates of Attendance for all attendees, and bonus products.

    If you are looking for live PD options tailored to your school’s needs, please complete the form below to let us know how we can support and we will be in contact with you as soon as possible. If you are interested in providing a Parent Workshop through your school setting, please head over to the ‘I am a Parent’ area on the website to see what we can provide.

All Schools have options to purchase access to online Teacher or Teacher Aide webinars to ensure teachers are providing up-to-date and effective adjustments for all students to shine! 12 Additional Needs topics to choose from - head over to the shop to see the specific options.